Çözümler !
Her kurumun DNA’sı ve ihtiyaçları farklıdır.
Müşterimiz olan firmaların iş hedeflerine ulaşmaları için,
bu eksende geliştirdiğimiz özelleştirilmiş
çözümlere odaklanırız.
Proaktif Danışman
Dünya ve Türkiye çapında, uluslararası ve ulusal büyük
şirketlerde deneyim kazanmış, 20 yıldan fazla kıdemli
uzman danışmanlarımızla fark yaratırız

We are active in the field of human resources and management consultancy in Turkey since 1991. With the support of our senior consultants having an experience of more than 30 years in this field we provied boutique services carefully tailored to companies’ special needs. Human Resources Consultancy, Selection and Deployment of Top Level Executives are our main two categories of expertise.

Drawing on the strength of our international network we develop innovative models of doing business. One of our most valuable assets is our ability to offer to our clients the best human resources practices.

We provide our multinational and national clients with the human resources they need to achieve their business objectives and customised services. Our main driving force is our client portfolio, i.e. the companies whom we consider our business partners, whom we work together through all operational processes and whom we have deeply-rooted, lasting relations.

The competitive advantage we enjoy in our distinct corporate culture of doing business and high performance in meeting our clients’ needs stems from our global approach, our rich experience and knowledge we have gained from regional/local markets and our expertise in a wide variety of industries. Companies of all sizes – big, medium, small- which are the main drivers of economic growth, are our potential clients to receive our management services for their human resources department which we believe is a key factor in shaping their future, as we are always there to help them find the leaders/executives to add value to their organization.

Our aim is to improve the business processes of our clients and thus support their efforts for institutionalisation and growth by sharing with them the best practices of the world’s leading companies we strategically partner with and by combining these practices with our expert consultants’ experience of more than 30 years.

Our Fundamental Values

    • Provide quality services to our clients which exceed their expectations
    • Adhere to ethical norms and legal requirements
    • Work with the best consultants in their respective fields
    • Be honest and sincere to both the client and the candidate
    • Never compromise on our high service quality
    • Add value to community through our national and international experience and knowledge

Özel İstihdam Bürosu

ERGENE YÖNETİM DANIŞMANLIĞI TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. Özel İstihdam Bürosu Olarak 04/12/2021 – 03/12/2024 tarihleri arasında faaliyette bulunmak üzere, Türkiye İş Kurumu tarafından 08.11.2021 tarih ve 10030447 sayılı karar uyarınca 672 nolu belge ile faaliyet göstermektedir. 4904 sayılı kanun uyarınca iş arayanlardan ücret alınması yasaktır.

Şikayetleriniz için aşağıdaki telefon numaralarına başvurabilirsiniz.

İstanbul Çalışma ve İş Kurumu İl Müdürlüğü: 0212 249 29 87

İstanbul Çalışma ve İş Kurumu İl Müdürlüğü Şişli Hizmet Merkezi : 02122910925


You can ask your questions about our services and please don’t hesitate to contact us with your any request